See here how mobile radiation make your bloodcells clot together.
Professor Olle Johansson from Karolinski University points out that it is about time to step on the brake. We now have evidence that the electromagnetic radiation, in addition to cancer, also causes:
Olle Johansson points out that cancer is not the biggest problem. A society where children suffer these consequences will be a great and immense problems in the long term.
Professor Olle Johansson tells us that most scientists working in the field know that there are problems with electromagnetic radiation, and that they are worried.
He points out though that a very small group of scientists say that there are no problems at all. But it can be documented that these scientists refer to scientific studies that have been purchased by the cellphone and computer industry.
He also mentions the BioInitiative report, which is a 600-page report, where more than 2000 scientific studies have been analyzed. The conclusion of the report is that there are great dangers of electromagnetic radiation.
He points out though that a very small group of scientists say that there are no problems at all. But it can be documented that these scientists refer to scientific studies that have been purchased by the cellphone and computer industry.
He also mentions the BioInitiative report, which is a 600-page report, where more than 2000 scientific studies have been analyzed. The conclusion of the report is that there are great dangers of electromagnetic radiation.
Olle Johansson also explains how the immune system fights back when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. It defends itself just like it will defend itself against bacteria and visruses. But by electromagnetic radiation, it has no chances and becomes gradually weaker and weaker.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra speaks on this video about how cell membranes that normally keep the intruders, in the form of eg bacteria and viruses away from the cell, broken down by the constant electromagnetic radiation. The cell will defend itself, but in trying to keep the radiation away with it also vitamins, minerals and hormones out of the cell and can not get rid of its waste. This leads to cell aging faster. People often go to the doctor with symptoms caused by electromagnetic radiation, but doctors have difficulty diagnosing the cause, and thus fejlmedicineres people often. Hear about this and more in the video.
Radiation in schools. A room filled with computers and other equipment that emitted electromagnetic radiation. Udersøgelserne showed that their cells are disorganized and started to fall apart. This causes them to fall victim to facilitate bacteria and viruses.They were then given a chain of which contains minerals, which gives protection against the electromagnetic radiation, and after 3 weeks was healthier than their cells at the start of the experiment. In WAVEPROTECTION.DKcan be buy Scalar Energy Necklaces that are considerably more powerful than the necklaces you see on this video. Read all about our Scalar Energy Necklaces here .
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